The simple meaning of Hare Krishna Mahamantra is, “O Srimati Radharani, please engage me in the service of Krishna.”The Hare Krishna mantra is, in fact, a very old one and can be found mentioned in the Kali-Santarana Upanishad and in many other transcendental Vedic scriptures. As per Kalisantarena Upanishad, these sixteen names, composed of thirty-two syllables, are the only means to counteract the evil effects of Kali-yuga. There is no difference between Krishna and his holy name. It can be recited by anyone, at any time, under any circumstances. Chanting the holy names is highly enlightening, as the Lord is considered the only one to remove all sorts of suffering from the material world. There are various types of holy names, but the most popular mantra which has a tremendous effect is: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण, कृष्ण-कृष्ण हरे हरे। हरे राम हरे राम, राम-राम हरे हरे। There is no qualification needed to chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. Of course, Krishna’s teachings are all laid out in Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, so it is important that as a follower of the Lord, we must read these books. But then, during our daily life, we must chant the Hare Krishna Mantra as a way to remember the Lord during the entire day.

What is Hare Krishna Mantra? From time immemorial, people have been chanting the holy names of Lord Shri Krishna.

Let’s all learn about the Hare Krishna mantra in this blog. Chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra with dedication and determination is surely going to take us to the highest spiritual planet known as Goloka Vrindavana. Hare Krishna Mantra has the power to awaken the soul and make us see the right path to Godliness. It is by Shri Krishna’s grace that we will finally be able to defeat our materialistic instincts and turn towards a life of spirituality. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Shri Krishna, appeared in the holy city of Mathura in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.Generations have passed, and yet the people on this earth have remembered the glory of the Supreme Lord.

It is said that the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita will take us through the path of righteousness and grant eternal happiness.Every Krishna devotee aims to follow the path of bhakti and devotion and strive to attain the spiritual state of Krishna consciousness.One of the key elements of this process is the chanting of the holy names of Lord Krishna, which is a blessing in itself. Shri Krishna, Godhead’s Supreme Personality, is revered worldwide.